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30-day Summer Camp for Shaolin Kungfu and Chinese Language


1.Language Module (Week 1---Week 3)

For elementary level

For intermediate level

For advanced level

2.Shaolin Kungfu Module (Week 4)

For beginners and above

3.Module of Chinese Culture

Academic Lectures on

A.Lao Zi (founder of Daoism)and Confucius (founder of Confucianism)

B.Zen Buddhism and Shaolin Kungfu

4.Module of Cultural Trips (two weekends before and after Week 4) (optional)

Trip to Buddhist Shaolin Temple, Daoist Zhongyue Temple and Confucian Songyang Academy ( See more photos in pp 5-6 )

Enjoy the Shaolin Zen Music and Kungfu Gala( See more photos in pp.5-6 )

Estimated Costs in terms of US dollars per person by group of 10 or more persons

Tuition Fee: US$450


Type A:US$150(students’dormitory, internet access, without air conditioners, 4 persons per room)

Type B:US$ 250(students’dormitory, internet access, with air conditioners, 4 persons per room)

Food A:US$160(students’canteen)

Type C:US$500(off-campus express hotel (similar to motels in USA), two persons per standard room)

Food A:US$160(students’canteen)

Food B:US$ 450(Hotel buffet)

Intercity Transportation Fee (between Zhengzhou and Songshan): US$35


Charges by Tourist Sites: $100 (optional)

Application Deadline:

May 20th,every year

Summer Camp Time Frame:

July 20th to Aug 20th (subject to minor change)

NCWU Students’ Kungfu Performace at Sports Meet

Foreign Students’ Summer Camp for Chinese Language & Culture at NCWU

Foreign Students are awarded a certificate at the end of a Summer Camp at NCWU

Foreign Students Learning Kungfu at Shaolin Temple

Buddhist Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Kungfu monks perform Shaolin Kungfu during the Shaolin Zen Music + Kungfu Gala

Contact Us
International Students’ Office, The School of International Education, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU)
Building S4, Room 201 west, No.1, Higher Education Park,
Jinshui East Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, P.R. China
Post Code:
86-371-6931 3729 Prof. Frank Cao
86-371-6931 3728 Ms Ivy Qi
Mobile phone No.:
86-13903712897 Pro. Frank Cao
86-13732355180 Ms Ivy Qi