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Campus life

Master’s Degree Programs

Master’s Degree Programs

FacultyNo.MajorLength of Study(academic year)
Navigation College1Traffic Information Engineering and Control3
3Navigation Science and Technology3
3Marine Traffic Engineering3
Marine Engineering College4Power Machine and Engineering2
5Power System and Its Automation3
6Power Electronics and Power Drives3
7Marine Engineering3
Information Science and Technology College8Electronic Science and Technology3
9Information and Communication Engineering3
10Control Science and Engineering3
11Computer Science and Technology3
12Software Engineering3
Transportation and Management College13Industrial Economics3
14International Trade2
15Transportation Planning and Management3
16Logistics Engineering and Management3
17Management Science and Engineering3
18Business Administration3
School of Law19Law3
Environmental Science and Engineering College20Marine Chemistry3
22Environmental Science and Engineering3
Transportation Equipments and Ocean Engineering College23Engineering Mechanics3
24Mechanical Engineering3
25Material Science and Engineering3
26Civil Engineering3
27Highway and Railway Engineering3
28Vehicle Operation Engineering3
29Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure3
30Rescue and Salvage Engineering3
Foreign Languages College31English Language and Literature2
32Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics2
Public Management and Humanities College33Philosophy of Marxism3
34Social Work3
35Public Administration3
School of Marxism36Theory of Marxism3
Department of Mathematics37Mathematics3
Department of Physics38Physics3

English-medium Master’s Degree Programs

FacultyMajorResearch OrientationLength of Study(academic year)
Marine Engineering CollegeMarine EngineeringModern Marine Management and Engineering3
Transportation and Management CollegeBusiness Management——3
Logistics Engineering and Management——3
School of LawLawMaritime Law、International Law3
Contact us
Admissions Office, International Education College, Dalian Maritime University
No.1 Linghai Road, High-tech Zone District, Dalian, People’s Republic of China
post code: