Sichuan Agricultural University’s SGS Scholarship
I. In order to promote the development of higher education of International students in Sichuan Agricultural University and further improve the talent cultivation, scientific research and cultural exchange, Sichuan Government has set up the Scholarship (SGS) in Sichuan Agricultural University in accordance with the provincial educational document to provide scholarships to international students and scholars.
II. The Scholarship is for foreign students who are studying and have finished at least one academic year in SAU for their doctoral programs, masterate programs or post graduate programs or the undergraduates programs, and those foreign students and visiting scholars who wish to study at Sichuan Agricultural University and who are applying for admission to the doctoral programs, masterate programs or post graduate programs or the undergraduates programs.
III. Values of scholarship
The scholarship is applicable on a yearly basis from January to May and it falls into the following three categories:
A. Doctoral student and master student scholarship: ¥40,000 RMB/person/year.
B. Undergraduate student scholarship: ¥30,000 RMB/person/year.
C. Scholarship for exchange student (long-term or credit transferrable students) and students who study hard and work well with good academic performance in Sichuan area: ¥6,000 RMB/person/year.
IV. Criteria & eligibility
A. Basic Requirements:
(1) Undergraduate student scholarship:
Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 30.
(2) Master degree-granting programs:
Applicants for master’s degree programs must have a bachelor’s degree or certificate and be under the age of 35. Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors should be submitted.
(3) Doctoral degree-granting programs:
Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master’s degree or certificate and be under the age of 40. Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors should be submitted as well.
B. Additional Requirements:
(1) Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with valid passport and be friendly to the PRC and in good health.
(2) Applicants should abide by Chinese law and the regulations of Sichuan Agricultural University. They should also respect Chinese social customs.
(3) Requirement of proficiency in Chinese language:
Applicants are not required to take the Chinese language proficiency exam but should be on the premise of no communication obstacles with their supervisor in Chinese. Of course the certificate of the HSK (Hanyu shuiping kaoshi) of any level or any certificate of the Chinese language training program are very good experience for admission proof. Anyhow we provide some majors in English for some applicants who meet language problem.
(4) Applicants should be be the top ones in his or her class or grade.
(5) Applicants should not be awardees of other Chinese government scholarships at the same time.
V. Application documents
Applicants can choose one scholarship as their preferences from the the Scholarships (SGS) timely every academic year. Please have a check. The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate) and submit to the International Office of Exchange and Cooperation SAU:
1. «Application Form for Sichuan Government Scholarship for Foreign Students»
2. «Application Form for Foreign Students to Study in SAU»
3. Submit Highest diploma and school report (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application.
4. Submit Passport Photocopy
5. Submit Physical Examination Form (the original copy should be kept by the applicant)
6. Submit Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies, or doctorate studies must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted after the the end of April for each academic year or if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application documents are incomplete. Note that the application documents will not be returned.
VI. Specialties catalog
Applicants for SGS can choose majors on website :
The normal period of study academic schedule for each program is as follows:
1. There are 71 4-year specialties for undergraduate degrees such as agriculture, animal science etc. (or in some cases, 5 years for veterinary medicine).
2. There are 71 3-year specialties for postgraduate degrees and advanced students (or in some cases, 2 years).
3. There are 49 3-year specialties for doctoral degrees and visiting scholars (or in some cases, 2 years).
Please consult the website for details.
VII. Contact information
Address: International Office of Exchange and Cooperation
Sichuan Agricultural University
Ya’an Sichuan Province 625014
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: +86-835-2883181
Fax: +86-835-2883166